Exactly what you've been waiting for. The secret to successful communication!

Boost Your Technobulary!

(aka) Guide To Reach The Top Echelons

Do you wish you could compose prose which would convince the reader you are knowledgeable (even if the subject is completely foreign to you)?

Simply employ the "Buzzword" writing method. It's simple.

Here are three columns of words:

0. balanced

0. management

0. contingency

1. total

1. organizational

1. hardware/software

2. integrated

2. reciprocal

2. projection

3. compatible

3. monitored

3. time-frame

4. synchronized

4. digital

4. concept

5. optimal

5. modular

5. programming

6. responsive

6. transitional

6. mobility

7. functional

7. incremental

7. capability

8. parallel

8. third-generation

8. flexibility

9. systemized

9. policy

9. options


Just select any three-digit number then use the corresponding Buzzwords! For example: 257="integrated modular capability." Don't worry if it doesn't make sense to you; it won't mean anything to anyone else either, but they'll think you're just smarter than they are so they won't say anything!! You can propose "systemized reciprocal options" (929) to achieve "optimal transitional flexibility" (568), and your boss will probably promote you!!


Back to the Sounding Board.


The Sounding Board Information email address: soundbrd@buffnet.net

My solid address: PO Box 764, Buffalo, NY 14215
Phone: (716) 837-3230
FAX: (716) 837-5074